The Night We First Met
Clare Swatman
One night in December, Marianne Cooper is running away from a party. Having found her boyfriend in a passionate clinch with someone else, she can't get away fast enough.
That same night, twenty-two year old Ted Green is trying to make the hardest decision of his life. What he really needs is someone he can confide in.
When Marianne meets Ted, with the lights of London shining around them, the night becomes one they'll never forget. Because this night might just be the start of a love story to last them a lifetime. But as Ted watches Marianne leave in a black taxi, all he can think is he should have asked for her
- Published by EB-BOLD
- Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
- Genre General Fiction
- Target Audience Adult
- Released 8th June 2022
- ISBN 9781802806656