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The Widows' Wine Club

Julia Jarman
The beginning of Janet, Viv and Zelda's friendship could not have been less promising Navigating their new lives as widows, the three women venture to the same dreary bereavement group in a chilly church hall. But what bonds them is not their shared predicament, but instead how quickly they all decide to flee the depressing gathering, choosing instead to share a bottle of wine. The Three Muscat-eers is born. The women may be down but they're not out; in their sixties but certainly not past it. They agree a mission: to find fulfilment as single women and recover their joie de vivre. And as they start to feel ready to face the world again, the friends support each other to dive headlong into new hobbies, new adventures, and even to dip their toes into the wonderful world of dating again. When one of the ladies gets life-changing news, there's only one thing for it. The Widows' Wine Club closes rank, and it's 'one for all and all for one'. Because when they stick together, there's nothing the friends can't achieve.

  • Published by EB-BOLD
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre General Fiction
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 14th August 2023
  • ISBN 9781785130083