Finding Family at Seabreeze Farm
Jo Bartlett
Welcome to Seabreeze Farm. Freya Halliwell is looking forward to marrying the man of her dreams and starting their new life together. After the death of both of her parents, Ollie, along with Freya's aunt, are the only family she has, but they are all the family she needs. Until Freya discovers a shocking secret that makes her question everything she thought she knew about her once happy family and especially the man she used to call Dad. Devastated, and feeling more alone than ever before, Freya needs time and space to come to terms with the news. But until then the wedding is off! Seabreeze Farm is the perfect place for Freya to recover. But could this beautiful farm perched high on the cliffs, also hold the answer to Freya's past and reunite her with the family she never even knew she'd been wishing for?
- Published by EB-BOLD
- Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
- Genre Romance
- Target Audience Adult
- Released 2nd December 2022
- ISBN 9781801620260