The Land Girls of Goodwill House
Fenella J. Miller
August 1940
As Autumn approaches, Lady Joanna Harcourt is preparing for new guests at Goodwill House - land girls, Sally, Daphne and Charlie.
Sally, a feisty blonde from the East End, has never seen a cow before, but she's desperate to escape London and her horrible ex, Dennis. And although the hours are long and the work hard, Sal quickly becomes good friends with the other girls Daphne and Charlie and enjoys life at Goodwill House.
Until Dennis reappears threatening to drag her back to London. Sal fears her life as a land girl is over, just as she finally felt worthy. But Lady Joanna has other ideas and a plan to keep Sal safe and doing the job she loves.
- Published by EB-BOLD
- Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
- Genre Family Saga
- Target Audience Adult
- Released 2nd November 2022
- ISBN 9781801628556